When you watch or listen to or read something in our resource library its really helpful for other members if you can write something about it.
- What is this resource about, what is in it?
- What did you learn? Or what questions does this answer?
- Who would this be helpful for?
This will help me to add description text to the library so you can know more about an audio than just the title and presenter.
Please title your description with the exact title of the resource. The members looking for it can simply type that title into the search box at the top of the pages.
For example if you are writing about Masha Bennets EFT Research Compendium then title your post EFT Research Compendium. When this is entered in the search box it takes you to the right page.
You can then add your comments to other posts so that we further enrich our library and make it more useful and helpful,