Support and Encouragement

Members Sharing Knowhow and Experience

Ten Years!

2024 is the ten year anniversary of the founding of the EFT Guild.  Josh Alward interviewed Gwyneth and asked her how it all began in 2014  and how it evolved. The story of the Guild becomes Gwyneth's story of EFT since 2001.

Connection and Belonging

We all need support and encouragement. Whenever you feel stuck in your EFT journey it is likely that someone else has trodden that path. Members are here to help members through our volunteer mentoring sessions, email discussion group and forum pages on this site. 

The Sanctuary is a supportive and private place to find help and advice in times of need. Post your request and mobilise tappers around the world. Subscribe to the forum to receive the requests of your community.

The EFT Angels offer up to three sessions without fee when you are going through crisis. You can volunteer to be an EFT Angel and offer support to others.

In our Discussion Forum and Animal Tapping Forum you can ask questions, seek advice and offer your answers

Mentoring for EFT Guild Members

A group of EFT International Approved EFT Mentors have formed a volunteer mentor team within our community.  These mentors offer small group mentoring sessions to EFT Guild members with no fee.

Group sessions are excellent for sharing experience and joint problem solving but will not be able to meet everyone's needs in the time available.  For particularly complex cases or where more time or support is needed, individual paid mentoring is the best option.

Mentoring for Members Page

Mentoring for Members

The Sanctuary

A private place of peace where you can find help and support from our community when going through shock and stress,


Animal Tapping

Ask for and offer tapping help to animals. Learn from other surrogate tappers


Discussion Forum

A confidential space for members to ask questions, raise client cases, get advice and discuss projects and ideas 




Operated by Emotional Health Ltd.     (c) 2014-2020  Emotional Health Ltd.


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