Daisy Chain Practice Groups

Members helping and learning from members

Encourage, Practice, Support, Celebrate

Daisy Chain practice groups are designed for EFT Guild members to gain experience by giving and receiving EFT sessions.  A Daisy Chain is seven Guild members who tap with each other in a chain, changing the sequence every 4 months. Participants choose when and how frequently to arrange sessions although we recommend a minimum of one session a month with each of your two partners. It's fine to work together more often if you have the capacity. 

if you would like to join a Daisy Chain and are already a member of the EFT Guild, read about chains below and click through to accept and submit the Daisy Chain Agreement form. We will then add you to the Daisy Chain Waiting Room and be in touch when a place is available. If you are not a member yet Join the EFT Guild

Karen Rowe says:  "If you haven't yet joined a daisy chain then I highly recommend it. I have found it invaluable. The personal life change experienced through tapping with members of my daisy chain has given me confidence; I have made some wonderful friends and would not be moving forward as positively as I am now without their support and tapping."

Here's what you need to know:

  1. Daisy chains are for practice and confidence building - regard your sessions as a continuation of the way you practised with other people when doing your training 

  2. Daisies change partners every four months so you will work with all six of your fellow daisies over a two year period, exposing you to an interesting variety of individuals and approaches, in many cases developing new and valuable friendships as you go

  3. There will be a wide range of skill and experience levels in any Daisy Chain. Please respect and support one another. Be aware that, if you are very experienced, a newer EFTer may feel intimidated, especially if they are tapping for you. Please put your tapping buddies at ease

  4. If you are new to EFT, trust the process and keep it simple. Let it work through you, not by you and be kind and non-judgemental towards yourself. Don't be anxious about others' experience. They want to help and encourage you (or they shouldn't be in a daisy chain)!

  5. Daisy Chains are not designed for working through deep, traumatic issues and are not a substitute for personal therapy. Use your chain sessions to practice the art of delivery. Set clear boundaries with your tapping partners so that you both feel safe and know where you can and can't go

  6. Being part of a chain is a commitment to your two tapping buddies - you will take the practitioner role with one and the client role with the other on a fairly regular basis over each four month rotation. If you join and then don't participate without an explanation you are letting at least two people down. Be open and honest. If you need to take a short break, let people know where they stand. If there's a reason why you can't work with a particular person, let your co-ordinator help you sort it out

  7. You should be prepared to tap for your partner at least once a month - some people have weekly sessions, some fortnightly. The Guild doesn't dictate; you negotiate between yourselves, with due regard for one another's time and need for practise 

  8. Speak to your new partners and set up a schedule as soon as you can - if it's in your diaries, you're more likely to maintain the momentum and will also quickly identify in advance any times when you won't be able to offer/receive a session, allowing the other partner to ask the Daisy Chain co-ordinator to arrange a temporary tapping buddy for the time you're away, if they wish

  9. Stay in touch with your Daisy Chain co-ordinator. S/he is there to help and would also welcome any feedback - good or bad - or ideas you have to improve your experiences.

Most Daisy Chains try to have a group call once a month to six weeks, just to connect and get to know each other. Some just chat, some tap, some explore new ideas - most do all of that. For most of us, being a Daisy has proved to be a wonderful way to expand our circles, allowing us to relax in a community of like-minded people and talk about the stuff that really matters to us 

To join a Daisy Chain you need to be a member of the EFT Guild and to read, accept and submit the Daisy Chain Agreement:

Daisy Chain Agreement.

Timezone Wizard

Daisy Chains have members from different countries and timezones. Use Timezone Wizard to find meeting times




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