An in-person intensive EFT retreat in Yorkshire for seven EFT Guild members only, fee £300 (accommodation and meals not included)
Join me for a transformational and uplifting in-person weekend of magical advanced tapping in Yorkshire. Held at Ilkley Healing Centre in the room where the EFT Helps Videos were filmed. Each of you gets your individual session whilst the group borrow benefits. The retreat unfolds according to the needs of the group. We may explore EFT Constellations for ancestral work, Projection Tapping with tapping toys and other advanced techniques.
Ilkley is a delightful, Victorian Spa town surrounded by glorious Yorkshire countryside. You have the option of homestay B&B next door to Ilkley Healing Centre.
Events are listed as the timezone of the host, use the timezone converter to find the time where you are
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