Improve Your EFT

  • 15 Jan 2025
  • 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
  • UK Timezone


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Improve your EFT - Avoid These Frequently Made Mistakes

with Gabrielle Rutten and Alison Brock

In this workshop, we’ll focus on refining your EFT skills and avoiding the most frequently  made mistakes. Building on the insights from the previous three workshops, we encourage you to review those sessions beforehand for a stronger foundation. Recordings are on the Gabrielle & Alison page.

During this workshop, we’ll provide live demonstrations and address any questions you may have to help you become more effective in your EFT practice.

Gabrielle is a former medical doctor who now uses only EFT to help her clients.  She is also the co-author of a new book on EFT with Gary Craig, called "Official EFT from A to Z".

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