$Mentoring with Deborah

  • 04 Dec 2023
  • 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • UK Timezone
  • 3


Registration is closed

EFTi Mentoring with Deborah Sampson,

Deborah Sampson has been running mentoring groups for several years. Limited to 8 people everyone gets the chance to place their requirement either by email before the session or at the start. Come and discuss for example your tricky cases, your success stories and learn from others in the group. This group is open to accredited Practiioner members and can be counted towards your EFTi ongoing mentoring hours

This is a paid event and costs €22 Deborah will send you an invoice once you book your place.

Events are listed as the timezone of the host, use the timezone converter to find the time where you are

 Timezone Converter 


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