Women's Health

  • 12 Aug 2022
  • 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
  • UK Time
  • 9


Registration is closed

Women Supporting Women

 with Sharon Parker

8pm UK, 3pm USA East Coast, 12pm Pacific - 90 minutes

Women gathering and supporting each other is one of the most powerful thinks we can do. This month we will simply connect with each other, bring what's on our minds, in our hearts and our bodies about our health and wellbeing as women, and move into borrowing benenfits tapping or womb imagineering, depending on how the group energy is going.

Please contact me if there is a particular issue you want addressed or if you have something to present to the group. I am very open to collaborations. Go to the Women's Health Events page to join the discussion

The group meets just after each full moon, to both follow the natural cycle of the moon and to benefit from her waning, which is a natural time for letting go. We are aiming to loosen and release the painful stories we hold in our bodies and particularly our wombs that affect our health as women.

Each month will have a theme. The sessions will start with Traffic Lights or no-words tapping as we discuss our stories associated with the theme, then we might tap on one person’s story with the rest borrowing benefits. This is not set in stone, however. In the feminine spirit of co-operation, collaboration and flow we will allow the format of each group to adjust to meet the needs of the participants. The group facilitator may change too. There may be dates I am not available and/or you are welcome to step up and facilitate a theme in your area of special interest. Themes will be set based on feedback and the desires of the participants.

Sharon is an Advanced EFT Practitioner living in New Zealand. She has a strong interest in women's health and identity/struggles with our natural body cycles, and wants to explore how tapping can help. She is running this group to gain experience and insight into both tapping for women's health and running online groups.

Events are listed as UK time or the timezone of the host, use the timezone converter to find the time where you are

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