Tap the News

  • 03 Jun 2022
  • 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Zoom


  • Members of the EFT Guild

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Tap the News and Borrow Benefits
with Alice Bradshaw and Jess Mor

5pm UK, 12pm EST, 9am Pacific

Sometimes the news seems so overwhelming we don’t want to look at it. Sometimes it triggers our own inner wounds. Sometimes we feel hopeless and powerless to do anything or change anything for the better. Come and join us as we tap together for the stories that have bothered us, balance our reactions and send the power of group tapping out to the world and its troubled areas. We ask you to bring with you an item of positive news (however tiny or ordinary) and an item of troubling news - be specific, bring a particular article or photograph to refer to. And Borrow Benefits for your own issues too.

Jess and Alice use EFT to help clients from all over the world and enjoy working with groups to shift our stuff together.

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