Another View of Forgiving
with Gail Rubenstein
6pm UK, 1pm EST, 10am Pacific
The popular internet idea is that a person must forgive to be mentally healthy. Who says I have to forgive to be mentally healthy? Do you and I mean the same thing when we say “forgive”? This will be about forgiving in relation to the Big Event, not the everyday stuff. But one person’s everyday stuff can be a big event for someone else, so please feel free to tap right through this session. And finally, what can an EFT practitioner take away from this presentation to make us better practitioners? Due to the subject matter, please consider if this session will be appropriate for you and your peace of mind.
There are 8 places on this discussion. If there is a waitlist it will be repeated.
Gail has been an RN for more than 40 years in the hospital, hospice, and homes as well as a labour doula, childbirth educator and lactation consultant. She has been using EFT for more than 15 years, and taken Level 3 with Gwyneth and Pearl. Her vision at present is to work with women who are survivors of CSA.