6pm UK, 1pm USA East Coast, 10am Pacific
This free group is for Community members who want to improve their tapping skils, have not yet got certification and have completed less than 50 practice sessions.
Maximum 6 people - first time attenders will be given priority.
This is what we do. One person is the client. We work with a minor limiting belief, or issue, Everyone takes turns to be the practitioner, and we work together - how do we start? what words shall we use? what did we notice? what questions could we ask? what else could be said? what technique shall we use? We get it right and we make mistakes and thats how we learn. All this with the understanding from the”client” that there may be discussion, around the tapping. We learn when to be gentle, when to be specific which is one of the keys to being an effective Practitioner.
Events are listed as the timezone of the host, use the timezone converter to find the time where you are
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