Kelly & Kathleena

  • 22 Jun 2021
  • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Zoom
  • 84


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Client Chat with Kelly and Kathleena

6pm UK, 1pm USA EST 10am Pacific

Please join Kelly and Kathleena for a group led discussion where we share success stories and support one another in finding solutions and inspiration. Let’s collaborate and share our collective wisdom.

• Practices that allow us to find flow and attunement.

• Tapping into inner guidance and intuition

• Finding connection and drawing upon inner resources.

• Challenging clients? What do I do when I get stuck?

• Bringing your best self to the session.

Kelly Stoks is an Energy and Mindset Coach specializing in helping people gain clarity and align with inner guidance to express their very best self. Kathleena Gorga is a stylist and self-image coach who helps people embrace inner and outer Beauty with more kindness, compassion and celebration.

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