Conscious Beauty

  • 17 Feb 2021
  • 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Zoom


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Tapping Conscious Beauty

with Kathleena Gorga

7:30pm UK, 2:30pm US East, 11:30am Pacific 

Are you ready for a new perspective on yourself? Begin 2021 tapping Conscious Beauty with Kathleena. An inner and outer experience, this 3-week class is an experiment. It is a unique opportunity to use EFT to tap through false beliefs and cultural programming filters that obscure our True beauty waiting to be reclaimed. Then playfully explore and celebrate your own unique expression of Beauty with adornment. Discover how wardrobe, jewelry and/or the right, gentle touch of makeup can be an empowering, uplifting and life-affirming choice.

Learn simple, strategic outer beauty enhancement techniques from a master makeup artist. Pre-recorded short instruction videos will be made available for your viewing and exploration.

This is a free class in exchange for feedback to help develop a workshop program Email any questions to :

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