Money Talks

  • 07 Dec 2016
  • 6:00 PM
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Money Talks with Lili Betancourt and Deborah Sampson

6pm UK, 1pm USA East Coast, 10am Pacific

Have you ever felt that money was bad? Dirty? Something others can have but not you ?

Have you ever heard that it doesn’t grow on trees? Or that money burns a hole in your pocket? That you have to work really really hard to earn it and even then do you really deserve to have it? That you should give it all away? Etc etc etc …..

Do you ever feel guilty when you ask a client for money? Could you NEVER ask them to pay you for that missed session without prior warning?

If any of the above and more ring a bell with you this FREE workshop led by Lili Betancourt and Deborah Sampson could be for you! 

We aim to run a borrowing benefits workshop to help identify and free you of any false truths relating to money issues. We hope it will be fun, heartwarming and that you’re bank balances will improve. A lot to ask? Well, let’s talk dirty money and see what is possible.

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