Sunday Morning Borrowing Benefits

  • 19 Apr 2015
  • 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM
  • Skype
  • 2


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Sunday Morning Borrowing Benefits

hosted by Emily de Demko

UK 10am, Europe 11am

Borrowing Benefits is part of the magic of EFT.  Our Sunday Morning Tapping group is for you to bring whatever is on your mind, a current worry, a personal conflict, a long term issue or an unwanted behaviour:  and the miracle is that only one of you needs to talk about it.  Emily will help you to focus on, and open up your issue, and then will tap with one person in the group whilst you watch, listen and tap.  You can then share as little or as much as you wish. 
Emily is an experienced healer with a busy practice.  She has profound intuition which she uses to guide insightful questions and bring you to what you didn’t know you knew.  The session will run for 75 minutes and is open to anyone who wishes to work on any issue.

Events are listed as the timezone of the host, use the timezone converter to find the time where you are

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