

Member profile details

Membership level
First Name:
Last Name:
Postal Town/City:
County, Province or Region:
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What I love about EFT? My story, my passion, my vision:
I used eft for 14 years before taking Pearl Lopian's level 1and 2 and 3. It was like a restart for me. It took it to a new level and gave me more confidence to start to practice seriously. Joining the guild was an extra bonus - just learning from all the gathering presentations, Gwyneth's moals, is amazing - and of course the beautiful guild community and the special people I've met here. I am still amazed how eft brings such peace and change to people's lives.
About my Practice:
I use eft for anyone who seeks it. Most of my clients are women in difficult relationships, divorce issues ,etc. I didn't plan on specializing in this, but it just happened. Anyone is welcome.
How I use EFT:
  • Volunteer for Charity or Agency
  • Other
Practitioner Accreditation
EFT International

Community Participation

Guild Role
Coordinator Daisy Chain 2


The EFT Guild is operated by Emotional Health Ltd.     (c) 2014-2019  Emotional Health Ltd.                  
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